Well folks, I'm 37 weeks along and the bun in this oven is now considered full term, or as we like to call it "fully baked." So our sweet little bundle can come at any time now and be perfectly healthy. Of course, the longer the baby stays in, the stronger it gets, so both daddy and I are ok if Baby D hangs out for a few more weeks....or until we are finally done with our to-do list! But as we all know babies have their own agenda, so we could be calling with news any day now. Keep your cell phones close by!
But both Christian and I have always thought this baby would come early. And judging by my progress, it may very well happen that way. The baby has started to drop and each night the contractions get a little longer and stronger. There's definitely less room for the baby to move around so he finds imaginative ways to get in up under my ribs or way down on my bladder. I have a feeling we have a pretty big baby in there. But who doesn't love a chubby baby!
But no matter when the little one decides to arrive, mom and dad are ready, to-do list complete or not. So bring it on Baby D! We can't wait to meet you! Actually, if you can wait until Thursday that would be great - daddy's boss has decided he needs to be in Seattle for a few days. We're a little nervous but hopeful that I don't go into labor before then. I'll be doing a lot of praying until daddy gets back!
That's about all for now. We'll just continue to prepare for the big arrival in the days to come and hope that mom doesn't get any more random cravings for corn dogs at Krystal. I see a handful of tums in my future! Nighty, night...