I turned 7 months old...3 days ago! But of course mom was out of town so she didn't have time to blog. But I had fun turning 7 anyway. Daddy and I actually met mom in Dallas last weekend so we celebrated in a new city. I got to take stay in a fancy hotel room, eat at a nice restaurant and go an Aquarium for the first time. We had some really great family time...daddy and I missed mommy so much when she was gone.
I've changed a lot this month and mommy always says she wants to freeze time so I stay this age forever. But as much as she wants to fight it, things are happening quickly - I now have three teeth and one more on the way. So I've started eating finger foods. I LOVE organic apple puffs and diced bananas! And I can sit up all by myself now - I even use a big boy high chair at restaurants now. When I'm upset I call for my mama...even though daddy is my favorite, when I am sad I want my mommy.
And the biggest news is that I am just days away from crawling. I can get up on my hands and knees and lunge forward. I keep telling the rents it's time to baby proof the house because I'm about to get my hands on everything!! Mom and dad say it's good that I am getting more independent because I will be starting daycare in about a week. Mommy's nervous but I am really excited to play with some other kids and sing songs. I'll let you know how it goes.
This has been a big weekend for us - Mimi and papa came in from California and I was so excited to see them. I'll make sure mommy blogs next week so we can tell you all of our fun stories. And I took my 7 month pictures today. I was supposed to take them at 6 months but I was really sick that week. I think I was pretty cute because everybody was telling me I was! The pictures turned out great and I can't wait to show them off. So check back soon, mommy has lots to blog about...I hope she keeps up with it better :)
Here I am stiitng up all by myself! I love the view from up here!!
We also went to the Dallas Aquarium. It was pretty dumpy but we always manage to have fun. I can't wait to go the the awesome Georgia Aquarium some day!
Think mom and dad need to baby proof?! I've been working on this thing for about 2 weeks!
that video is hilarious! Elena still loves the doorstops and we had to take the white tips off of them all because she was pulling them off and trying to eat them! She never managed to pull the entire thing off of the wall, though :)