This is the restaurant in Huntington Beach where Christian and I had our first real date in June 2000. Who would have thought that 10 years later we'd be married with a son. Life is good.
I realize we've been back from Cali for three weeks now, but it's been a very hectic few weeks. We were all so jet-lagged from being on the West Coast for a week so it took us all, Jack included, a few days to get back in the swing of things. So, aside from the never-ending tower of laundry, I think we're all caught up now and I have a few moments to share some pictures from our trip.
As always, it was amazing to be home. We made the trip for Marseille's 1st birthday, so we spent the beginning of the visit in San Diego. Jen and Obed threw M a great ultra-pink party at La Jolla Shores Park overlooking the beach with 80 of their closest friends and family! We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
The rest of the week we literally drove all over Southern California visiting family and friends. From San Diego to Orange County, then back to my mom's in LA, then to the Inland Empire. It was pretty exhausting but it's the only way to see everyone. Jack was such a trooper being in the car so much and then getting handed off to strangers every day.
I won't bore you with all the details from the trip. But I will say we are so blessed to have such a wonderful and loving support system out there. Everyone just loves to see Jack and, in turn, I love to see him so loved and adored. I am so appreciative that all our relationships have remained intact despite the long distance. We've been in Atlanta for almost 8 years now (gasp!) but when we are in Cali it feels like we never left.
Cali definitely looks good on Jack! And he's old enough now that we can experience some ultimate West Coast his first In N' Out and buying his first pair of board short on Main Street in Huntington Beach. It's so cool to share these traditions with him. Here's a few photos from our week...
The Varela's at Marseille's 1st Birthday! As you can see M really enjoyed the frosting on her cupcake!
Marseille eyeing her smash cake!
It was nap time so Jack pretty much slept during the entire party.
Jack had his first In N' Out Burger - it's a West Coast tradition! Of course, we only got him a grilled cheese and fries but he LOVED it!
But apparently he's not such a fan of Krispy Kreme...or maybe it's the cheesy hat!
Uncle Jess and Jack were best buddies all week. Jess bought him toys and gave him ice could Jack not love him!
Case and point - Jack's first time at Ben & Jerry's was with Uncle Jess. We've created a monster - this kid loves chocolate!
Jack also really loved his Uncle Adam. I think he just likes silly people.
Mimi and Papa joined us in Huntington Beach. This city holds such great memories for us so we always make a trip here when we are in town.
Two of by oldest and dearest friends were also there...Patricia and Julie.
Here's Jack in front of Jack's Surfshop on Main Street in HB. We had to get his first pair of board shorts here.
Billabong board shorts and hang ten tee - size 2 toddler! They gotta be big!
We got to see my Grandma Molly, my dad's mom. It's one of Jack's two living Great Grandparent so it's really special to spend time with her and capture it on film.
Fun at the park! I just love the joy on his face.
The plane ride home. My boys are exhausted.
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