Jack turned 10 months today and now that we are in the double digits, it seems like the countdown to his 1st birthday is officially on. I can't believe it's only 2 months away! I can almost guarantee the kid will be walking at his birthday party. I think this because Jack is already standing on his own with no support! He's been doing this for about 3 weeks now. We all thought that because he's so big (24 lbs and 31 inches at his 9 month check up!) and because his dad didn't walk until he was 14 months, that he would be a late walker. But he loves to stand and even tries to inch forward. It's just a matter of time.
As Jack gets older, life with him just gets more and more fun!! He's so goofy and he loves to laugh. He'll occasionally break out in fits of laughter that last for several minutes or until he gets the inevitable hiccups. And he's constantly talking up a storm - we have no idea what he's saying but he thinks he's telling great stories. Check out the video below for a little sample.
But on the flip side, Jack can also be a real stinker. All of a sudden our little groomer hates anything to do with personal hygiene - taking a bath, brushing his teeth, changing his diaper or wiping his face all cause him to cry, arch his back, the whole enchilada. It's really not pleasant and we hope he grows out of it very soon. But we still love him to death and just can't get enough of him. He's so deliciously cute - I just want to bite his little cheeks! He cringes at all my kisses but I don't care - I'll never stop!! Here's a few pictures of our funny little buddy...
Here I am just being silly this afternoon. With weird parents like mine, how could I have turned out any other way?!
Just wait....time will really start to fly now! He will be an adorable little toddler before you know it :)