I still can't believe Jack is 2 now.! He seems more like a little boy and less like a toddler. Here he is with his new Mac Truck - he pretty much carries this thing everywhere we go!
So Jack is showing no signs of slowing down his growth. But he is losing all his baby fat and is getting really lean. He's a bean pole like his daddy, but he's still solid as a tank! It's pretty tough to pick him up these days because my huge belly gets in the way - but I'm not really supposed to anyway so it works out ok. But I do miss holding my baby!
Now about the birthday celebrations - since my mom and Joey are coming out this weekend we delayed his b-day party until this Saturday. So we wanted to make sure his actual b-day weekend was full of fun....and it definitely was. The kid played with his friends and went to parties all weekend. He had 2 playdates with his girlfriend Ava, we had a neighborhood going away party with all his friends, then there was Jack's friend Evans birthday party at Catch Air, a BBQ with my girlfriends and their boys and then Jack got to open all his gifts from us and his Gigi and Papa. Needless to say mom and dad were quite pooped by Sunday! But we're so fortunate to have such awesome friends here who all have kiddos around Jack's age. Jack is very lucky little boy!
Here are some pics of his fun weekend...
Hanging with all his friends in the neghborhood. We love our neighborhood and we're really going to miss all of our friends...and I think Jack will really miss his girlfriend Ava (seated next to him)...
Opening all of his loot on his birthday morning - it was like Christmas. I think his daddy bought him every CAR from both movies...
We also got him a new train table. But we realized it would take an engineer to assemble so poor kid hasn't been able to play with it yet....
Jack is so obsessed with his CARS - this isn't even half of them. I can't even touch them unless he needs me to move them to another room...
Jack LOVES his new guitar from Gigi and Papa. This was on of the presents he kept asking for so he was so excited to get it...
Jack and his buddy Evan at Catch Air for Evan's 3rd Birthday. Evan had a CARS themed party so Jack had to wear his Team McQueen t-shirt. He'd wear it every day if he could...
Eating lots of junk food at the party...
Having a snack with his buddy's Grant and E at our friend Kate's house. The boys had an absolute blast that night...
I think that Christian has more fun being a kid than Jack does. But that's what I love about my husband...
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